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UK Integrity Ltd. is established in 2011. The core business then, as now, was to provide assistance with investment in both the UK and China. If you are interested in setting up any of the services with a Chinese partner and you would like to take advantage of the knowledge, we can help you achieve your goals on time and within budget. On the road, you can find our business groups in our vans all around the UK branded as Timevan.

Ebao the website ( ) of UK Integrity Ltd. is an auction online service provider, and totally free. We use advanced Internet technology focus on the UK auctions, providing online auction catalog preview, online LIVE video broadcast, online synchronization auction service. Through cross-border payment, to the packaging, transportation, insurance, customs clearance of the whole one-stop service, we help our clients around the world, to achieve cross-border global art online transactions at home.  Ebao has more than 2,000 members, the daily platform views of 20,000. Each year, the company Features nearly 500 UK online auctions, ranging from Chinese antiques, Western classical and modern art, western silverware, furniture, antique jewelry, to popular designers' works and luxury items.

Sensbay is the silk business which UK Integrity Ltd. runs in the UK. During sensbay production, the silk filament is stretched into a flat tangled web and layered to form silk floss, which will fill the sensbay. It can take anywhere between 100 and 400 of these thin layers to make one, depending on bed dimensions and desired thickness. The collections are suitable for different seasons. Unlike other natural fibers used in quilts, silk is naturally hypoallergenic, and it does not require any processing chemicals during the manufacturing process. So a sensbay is a good alternative for people who are allergic to goose down comforters.






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[ 中国拓展 ]


公司在中国拥有全资子品牌,皇家威尔斯,一家主营英国珠宝的高级珠宝品牌。公司2019年在天津设5家专卖店,仅5个月的时间,公司已经完成销售额达 300 万人民币。



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